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please try again later甚么意思-掘金(chatgpt注册目前不可用 请稍后重试。)



1. 第一个毛病:Signup is currently unavailable


在账号注册阶段,出现提示信息:Signup is currently unavailable, please try again later.



  • 等待一段时间后再次尝试注册,直到系统恢复正常。
  • 可以尝试使用其他邮箱进行注册,推荐使用QQ邮箱、谷歌邮箱或微软邮箱。
  • 在绑定页面使用虚拟电话号码进行注册。

2. 第二个毛病:chatGPT is at capacity right now


在注册进程中出现容量已满的提示:chatGPT is at capacity right now.



  • 刷新页面或稍后重试,容量回落后便可继续注册。
  • 尝试使用其他浏览器,如Google Chrome或Microsoft Edge。

3. 邮箱选择和注意事项





  • 使用QQ邮箱进行注册。
  • 尝试使用谷歌邮箱或微软(Outlook、Hotmail)邮箱进行注册。
  • 避免使用已注册过chatGPT的邮箱进行再次注册。



chatgpt注册目前不可用 请稍后重试。的进一步展开说明

Re-generating and Adding SSH Key to GitHub or GitLab

In case the previously generated SSH key is no longer usable due to any reason, it is essential to generate a new one and add it to the personal settings SSH keys section on GitHub or GitLab. This article will guide you on how to do that effectively.


  • Introduction
  • Reasons to generate a new SSH key
  • Steps to generate SSH key
  • Adding the SSH key to GitHub
  • Adding the SSH key to GitLab


SSH keys are an integral part of securely accessing and interacting with remote servers or repositories. They provide a way to authenticate and establish a secure communication channel between your local machine and the remote server.

However, if the previously generated SSH key is compromised or inaccessible for any reason, it becomes crucial to generate a new one in order to maintain the security and functionality of your remote connections.

Reasons to generate a new SSH key:

There can be several reasons for generating a new SSH key:

  • The previous SSH key is compromised or leaked
  • The previous SSH key is lost or inaccessible
  • The previous SSH key is associated with a compromised or deleted account
  • The previous SSH key is not compatible with the current system

Regardless of the reason, it is always recommended to generate a new SSH key to ensure the security and integrity of your remote connections.

Steps to generate SSH key:

The process of generating an SSH key involves the following steps:

  1. Open a terminal or command prompt
  2. Execute the ssh-keygen command with the desired options
  3. Provide a secure passphrase for the key (optional but recommended)
  4. Save the generated key in the default or desired location

After executing these steps, a new SSH key pair, consisting of a public and a private key, will be generated. The private key should be kept secure and never shared, while the public key can be freely distributed to establish secure connections.

Adding the SSH key to GitHub:

To add the newly generated SSH key to your GitHub account, follow these steps:

  1. Copy the contents of the public key file
  2. Log in to your GitHub account
  3. Go to your account settings
  4. Navigate to the “SSH and GPG keys” section
  5. Click on “New SSH key” or “Add SSH key”
  6. Provide a descriptive title for the key
  7. Paste the contents of the public key file into the “Key” field
  8. Click on “Add key” to save the SSH key

Once added, you can use the SSH key to securely interact with your repositories on GitHub.

Adding the SSH key to GitLab:

To add the newly generated SSH key to your GitLab account, follow these steps:

  1. Copy the contents of the public key file
  2. Log in to your GitLab account
  3. Go to your account settings
  4. Navigate to the “SSH Keys” section
  5. Click on “Add SSH key”
  6. Provide a descriptive title for the key
  7. Paste the contents of the public key file into the “Key” field
  8. Click on “Add key” to save the SSH key

Once added, you can use the SSH key to securely interact with your repositories on GitLab.

In conclusion, generating a new SSH key and adding it to the personal settings SSH keys section on GitHub or GitLab is a simple yet essential process. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can ensure the security and reliability of your remote connections.

chatgpt注册目前不可用 请稍后重试。的常见问答Q&A



  1. 注册目前不可用:多是由于系统故障或升级致使的注册暂停。这类情况下,建议稍后再试。
  2. 翻译毛病的提示:有些毛病信息多是由于语言翻译问题致使的。比如”Signup is currently unavailable”翻译成”注册目前不可用”,实际上是指目前没法注册,请稍后再试。
  3. 邮箱问题:某些国内邮箱(如163邮箱)不支持用于chatgpt注册。建议尝试使用其他海外邮箱,如QQ邮箱、谷歌邮箱或微软邮箱。
  4. 系统限制:chatgpt可能对同一IP地址的注册要求有限制,如果屡次尝试注册失败,请稍后再试或尝试使用其他网络环境。

问题2:chatgpt注册提示”Signup is currently unavailable, please try again later”是甚么意思?

答案:当看到”Signup is currently unavailable, please try again later”的提示时,意味着当前不可进行注册操作。这多是由于以下缘由致使的:

  1. 系统保护或升级:chatgpt平台可能正在进行保护或升级,暂时停止了注册功能。
  2. 网络问题:由于网络连接不稳定或其他问题,致使没法正常注册。建议稍后再试。
  3. 注册限制:chatgpt可能对注册进行了限制,多是为了控制用户数量或避免歹意注册行动。



  1. 使用其他邮箱注册:某些国内邮箱可能不被chatgpt支持。建议尝试使用海外邮箱,如QQ邮箱、谷歌邮箱或微软邮箱。
  2. 稍后再试:如果遇到系统故障或保护,致使没法注册,请稍后再试。
  3. 换个网络环境:如果同一IP地址屡次尝试注册失败,多是由于系统限制。尝试使用其他网络环境或使用移动网络进行注册。
  4. 联系官方客服:如果尝试以上方法仍没法解决注册问题,建议联系chatgpt官方客服寻求帮助。



  1. 系统故障或升级:chatgpt平台可能正在进行系统故障修复或升级工作,致使注册暂时不可用。建议稍后再试。
  2. 邮箱选择不当:某些国内邮箱可能不被chatgpt支持,建议尝试使用其他海外邮箱进行注册。
  3. 网络连接问题:可能由于网络连接不稳定或其他缘由,致使没法正常进行注册。建议检查网络连接并稍后再试。
  4. 系统限制:chatgpt可能对注册进行了限制,多是为了控制用户数量或避免歹意注册行动。如果一段时间内屡次尝试注册失败,请稍后再试。
